Tuesday, November 11, 2008

a special "thank you" to all veterans

i honor of our veterans i write this post saluting all those who have served or are currently serving our country. two of the greatest men i have known in my life are veterans, my two (biological) grandfathers, and i believe that today as american's we all owe our veterans a very special thank you.

so to all our veterans who have served or are currently serving our country, i say...

"thank you"

i dedicate this post to those generations who have served our country well

the greatest generation
thomas vawdrey
james jenkins
russell gardner, sr.
sam vicchrilli
mike allen
gordon hansen
the baby boomers
ken hanson
george elias
my fellow gen x'ers
mac vaughn
john scott
brady roe
clint hanson
clayton anderson
and to the many others...
thank you.