Wednesday, March 25, 2009

spring time favs...

yummy! i have been addicted to these two items for the past few weeks. as i have given up fast food...yes, it is true, since january 28th. it is actually not as hard as i thought! and it is absolutely amazing to me how much money i was just throwing away eating at the food court on a daily basis! i am now an official take-your-lunch-and-snack-to-work girl. i wish that my mom would make me some super cool lunch bags like i used to have in elementary school! yeah, brown bags with my name in cool letters and colors...those were the days. but, my lean cuisines, sandwiches and yogurts survive just fine in my ginormous black purse!

seriously though, if you have not tried either of the two products listed above...get on it! the cereal is addicting!!! ooh, and you probably should try the sweet n' sour chicken lean has pineapple in the sauce! yummy, yummy, yummy!

too bad right now i am on a liquid diet...stupid sore throat. probably why i felt like blogging about food! hmm...sickness is no fun. but, i am a pretty good patient. i take my meds, drink my juice and katie's are really good resters. love my jammies and my couch!

med time...followed by bed time.

katie out.