Wednesday, March 11, 2009

why i am not an accountant...

first off...i am sooo angry at the state of utah right now. thinking that they can take a ton of my heart earned money and not give it back in the form of a refund. it is so ridiculous. hopefully, and this is why we are all oh so very glad that i am not an accountant, i did them right.

last year i had this awesome and wild idea that i wanted to do my own taxes. i felt so grown up. i got all my forms printed out, and all filled out. then, i had my dad double check them. seems i could easily calculate my federal return, but when it came to the state...i had inadvertently lessened my return by a couple hundred bucks. thank heaven for daddy's who can easily spot errors on taxes! and he doesn't charge me. which is nice.

so today, i decided finally i would go and pick up the forms so i could get them mailed off to my loving father. he is going to do them again this year free of charge...thanks dad! i was very curious as to how much money would be returned to me. this state is kind expensive for katie's and we are coming upon my favorite season...spring clean out your wardrobe and buy new key pieces for summer! it truly is an amazing season, full of life and color (mostly black :) )...but it can be a bit costly. as pace likes to remind me... "we are starving grad students". uh huh. sure we are. one of us is a grad student, but c'mon with a ginormous rent like ours, we are hardly in the poor house if we continue to have a roof over our head and monthly entertaining/spending money left over. i do realize that i need to save, so this is where the tax return comes in. or so i thought! and for the record. i have been so good at saving money. i have only been shopping twice since christmas. and i just barely spent the rest of my christmas money this week on a new pair of work freaking boring am i! so "take that pace's beliefs!" i still love you babe, but i do love that phrase!

back to my story. sorry, i was side tracked by the idea of refurbishing my wardrobe. i did my taxes today. i love the weird. love the state of california...detest the state of utah! according to my calculations...a big fat ZERO return. so not cool. so angry. my wardrobe hates them. i cannot belive that i worked at my job, slaving away at the hotel for hours and hours and hours...and days and days and days...and for what? for no tax return. ridiculous. forget the experience i gained from the job...i want my money back!
i demand a refund!

i am so angry right now i can't sleep. it is midnight and i have to be up in six hours and i am wide awake and mad. if it was an hour earlier i would call my dad and have him run these figures, but i have a feeling the cost of awakening him at this hour would cost me more than my combined total tax return. so i wait. until morning...and so help me if this return remains zero i am never ever ever coming back to utah. ever. ok, so i will probably still come back even if they don't give me my money back, but i am really really mad right now.

going to watch hsn or qvc, must have happy dreams of shariff purses or something insane and ridiculous like that. pace is already asleep, so i can't vent to him. smart man. smart smart man.

g'night all. sweet dreams.


Angie said...

You crack me up girl. I totally hate taxes too. Just be thankful that you can walk your aggression off at the beach rather than sloshing around in brown and gross snow. Still so jealous of your living location. Hope all is well.

Heather and Kade Scott said...

I know exactly what you mean! This year was good but last year I had to PAY!! Me being a single mom trying to take care of son all by myself with no help from even his sperm doner. Just because I was 1099'd for 4 months of the year I had to pay. It pisses me off too. You do make me laugh I love reading your blog.

Heather and Kade Scott said...

P.S Pace moved you to the wrong state being that you LOVE to shop.

Camb said...

Don't feel too bad, I have to pay the state, so it could be worse. I'm proud of you for not shopping. It's hard, but stick with it!