yeah, way too much time on my hands. so today is my day off...rad! been up for oh, bout an hour or so. still in jammies, still cuddled up under the latest birthday present faux furry blankie and yeah having internal battle numero uno of the day. internal battle numero uno is usually the only internal battle of the day that changes. i have like 50 of these little guys a day. 99% of the time they stay the same: go to the gym, don't go to the gym; hair up, hair down; wear a dress, or wear pants; black short cardigan or black long cardigan...catch my drift? internal battle numero uno is usually the "decision of the day".
so this is the internal battle of the day, today. saturday is halloween. i heart halloween. love love love this holiday. maybe it is my old spartan pride coming back...true love for the orange and black. or maybe it is because i love dressing up, putting on make-up, i don't know guys. but, i love this holiday. for the past, oh lets say 24 years every single halloween i have had the same dinner. at my moms, at my grandmas, at my apartment, doesn't matter where i am it is the same meal. what meal is that? classic "halloween" meal. a truly awesome katie friendly dinner.
sloppy joes, chips, glazed donuts (maybe krispy kreme, maybe not), chocolate milk and olives.
i love this meal. simple, quick, easy, messy. donuts and chocolate milk? for dinner...c'mon! ok, so here is the internal battle. i have found some seriously seriously awesome halloween recipes. like pumpkin alfredo with cresent moon ravioli's...this is where the battle begins. do i let go of 24 years of tradition to serve my own selfish craving? will my mom and grandma dis-own me if i don't have sloppy joes for dinner on halloween? can i live with myself if i ruin my own halloween tradition? i don't know! that is why it is an internal battle!
my heart is telling me to go with the traditional and my tummy says...try something new! yikes. so needless to say this is what i am going to be internalizing for the next 48 hours. it is gonna be rough.
see what i mean? i have way too much time on my hands. oh, and no guys, this is not the ch-ch-ch-ch-changes that i was talking about. that will still be discussed at a later date. it really isn't a big deal, just something new and fun.
wish me luck. will it be heart or tummy? only time will tell.