Saturday, February 13, 2010

a post...

ok fellow bloggers and readers. it has been a while. and after this post, it will probably still be a while. things have changed in my life. life has taken me down a new path that i didn't ever expect to be on, or really want to be on, but i am here. i have my health, my family and friends, and an apetite again. when i am able to post again, i will. i just wanted my readers and bloggie friends to know that i am...just ok. i'll be back.


........... said...

I miss your awesome posts. They always made me laugh. I hope that things are getting better. I do want to see you soon. Take care of yourself. I'm always thinking of you.

Natalie said...

I, myself, have been wondering where you've been. Hope you are doing better than "just ok" very soon.

Heather said...

Queenie Chickens- just know that you are loved. You are classy, and fabalus, and a great bloggie friend! sending air hugs your way :)

Taryn and Nicole said...

Katie, you are a great example of strength and have kept your classy and fabulousness throughout this situation. I do missyour regular posts they always made me smile. Luv ya Nicole

katie said...

you girls make me cry. thanks for the love and the air hugs head! hopefully we can be bloggie friends again soon. i am trying girls, i really am! love to all.

Ryan and Staci said...

So glad you are doing alright! I was wondering where you had been - I love your posts and keeping up on your fun adventures. I'm looking forward to another post soon. :)

Darla said...

Ditto to what everyone's said. I love your fun post, they always make me laugh. Hope all is well with you, sure do love ya!

Our Fondaco Family said...

Glad to hear you're getting by! Love ya tons! HUGS!!!

l + j said...

i, too, really miss your posts. you're funny and witty and i've missed your blogging. hope you come back soon :)

Ryan and Rikke said...

I'm a little slow on checking blogs lately, but I was sad to come to yours and see that you're taking a break and doing "just ok." I hope things are getting better for you. I can't wait for you to return. Like everyone else, I love your posts. They always make me laugh.