Thursday, February 28, 2008

shout out

want to give a nice loud shout out to christie and two favorite shades of red heads! thanks for telling me i looked like RAMBO!

a little back ground info...
i started the day looking FABULOUS! as usual i had on a black suit, fantastic tan floral trapeeze shirt and i decided that i needed a little punch to my outfit. i wore my tan and plum striped FENDI head scarf as a head band. my make-up...flawless. this was at 9:00am. after a long hard days work at the SHS, my look was a little tired. around 5:00pm i wandered into the ladies room, i screamed! startled by the face looking back at me! my hair flat and lifeless, my headband slowly making its way from the top of my head (grace kelly) to my forehead (RAMBO!) and the remnants of my "very black"mascara smudged under my eyes! "OH MY GOD!!! I LOOK LIKE RAMBO!"

so, here's my shout out..

many thanks to my two favorite red heads, who had been working with me for TWO HOURS, for letting me ya!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

and the hits just keep on coming

i know from two posts ago i said i was calling in sick permanently to life if i didn't get feeling better. good news...i am feeling better. bad news...i just had another person at my hotel quit. this person was in TRAINING!!! for those not in the hotel biz, what this means is that I am now responsible to fill (or fill in on) those shifts. here is the real kicker...anyone want to take a wild guess as to what shift i will be covering? here, i will give you a helpful isn't a-c! now, pick the most FABULOUS shift from the choices below:

a) 7am-3pm
b) 3pm-11pm
c) 6am-2pm...nope, this is my breakfast shift
d) 11pm-7am

if you guessed d, you were right! i get to run my night audits...and some how find time to do my real job! all this with 2 staff members on vacation and my general manager at conference. to all my bff's out there...see you in april. again, i will be in my bed if anyone needs me. and most importantly...i am calling in sick to life...permanently!

Monday, February 25, 2008

i would like to thank the academy...

for two years in a row truly selecting the best film of the year! my blog will not always revolve around movies, but the AWARDS SEASON is HUGE in my book. it belongs right at the top of my favorite season list! falling just below christmas and the three weeks of the nordstrom anniversary sale. what girl doesn't wish that one day she could take a stroll down the red (or as was noted on E!, the merlot)carpet? certainly i am not the only twenty-something who still deep down inside wants to be an actress for no reason other than awards season, glam dresses and borrowed diamonds! and if i am, well nevermind then. i'll go back to my i said, "i would like to thank the academy..."

Sunday, February 24, 2008

no country for old men

i just want to make it known before any oscar winning announcement that i believe this is the most fantastic movie i have seen in years! cinematically brilliant. if you haven't seen it yet, please go see it. katie votes for "no country for old men"!

javier bardem deserves the win for best supporting actor. and i am crossing my fingers for daniel day lewis in "there will be blood".

thank you to the writers for coming back so that i can watch the oscars!!

katie out.

Saturday, February 23, 2008


does anyone have any suggestions for beating this horrid flu that is going around? if you do...HELP!!!

katie's are apparantly immune to the following:

vitamin c...
white bread...
chicken soup...

if i am not better by next week i am calling in sick permanantly to life! i will be in my bed if anyone needs me.

Monday, February 11, 2008

we'll give it a try

thank you to heather scott for inspiring me to create a blog! we'll give it a try...